Last days at school in London!! - Reisverslag uit Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Lis Hoeve - Last days at school in London!! - Reisverslag uit Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Lis Hoeve -

Last days at school in London!!

Door: Lis Hoeve

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lis

02 December 2016 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Londen

Tuesday, school starts again. We had a morning session of spray tanning. It was my first time and I was still afraid that I might turn orange. At first I saw nothing, and I was a little disappointed because I wanted to be slightly browner then I was. but as the evening progressed and I had showered I noticed that I had in fact turned a slight shade of brown, which now gave me a nice tan look. After the spray tanning, we joined another group where they were demonstrating new makeup techniques. As the group was very large we could not participate in the demonstrations but we enjoyed watching the girls and had fun speaking to them.

Wednesday we started again with the makeup techniques. The girl who was using me as a model was very new at this and was very nervous – she had to do basic everyday makeup and although she was nervous the end result was very beautiful, and she was very pleased with my comments. Our next task was giving each other a manicure. It was funny because the way that they do manicures in the UK are completely different from what I am used to doing at school, but it was great fun and you can perhaps learn from different ways of doing something. Later that day we went on the hairdressers training session. we had our hair washed and conditioned and then they dried it with a hair dryer and brush and then they used a rod to put curls in my hair and everyone said how beautiful it looked – we felt very spoilt and pampered.

Thursday, today we had a rather relaxed day. We started at 11am, this gave us a chance to actually have a nice long sleep and not get up later than the rest of the school week. Today we learned how to do facial massage and it was a new way of doing this as we have not done this at school. I was working with Shikira, an English girl, she was very nice and she helped me with everything. Today was the first day we started working together, so it was the first real time we not only modelled but also participated in the lessons by doing facials on the trainers. First Shikira gave me a massage and I found this very relaxing and enjoyed it a lot, then I gave her a massage and she liked it as well and said that I was good. the massages are very different here from our techniques in school – here they tend to spend less time on facial massages then we do and also their methods of rubbing and stroking the face is very different from ours also. The day day passed very quickly and we finished school at 2pm. After class we all went to the local shopping centre, where we have been almost every day after school with the Dutch girls .

Friday our last day of school and last day in London, today we started again at 9 o'clock in the morning. The schedule for the day was to do eyelash extensions and also to get our eyelashes tinted. Last week we did a test to see if we would be allergic to the creams they use, and unfortunately I appeared to be allergic of the glue and tinting dye, So they couldn’t use it on me. Fortunately for me, they could use a different dye on my eyebrows. So a girl tinted and shaped my eyebrows. After that I gave her a back massage which was very good and by the time we finished it was 12.30pm. Then we had to sign some papers and after we said our goodbyes we were ready to leave. Then of course we went back to the shopping centre to do the last few bits of shopping and buying gifts for our family. And then the very had job of PACKING OUR SUITCASE !!

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Verslag uit: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Londen

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Last days at school in London!!

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